SHAUOT HOLIDAY CELEBRATION UPDATE…. Our Shavuot Stories & More has been RESCHEDULED from May 6th to May 20th! It has now been combined with THIS AWESOME EVENT… our Shavuot Holiday Celebration!! RSVP for THIS amazing event NOW HERE!!
Join us at our Chanukah Party THIS SUNDAY at 10am! Stories, music, and a MaD ScIEnCe ShOw! The party continues from 11-12pm with a light brunch, decorating cookies, games, crafts & more! Don’t forget to RSVP HERE on our Facebook page and click on GOING! (@drsuelibrary)
IT’S HERE! Please join The Dr. Sue Weisberg Children’s Library for our exciting new class… MINI CHEFS… a unique culinary experience with a Jewish twist! Chef Nicole Putzel will guide grown ups and children together through this amazing family journey! Come hungry! Series 1 is 3 sessions! Ple